thaljef / Pinto

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Curl install fails on (perlbrew) 5.24.0 #231

Open Deracination opened 7 years ago

Deracination commented 7 years ago

Installing pinto 0.12 via curl -L fails on Perl 5.24.0 because it is unable to install a couple of modules:

! Couldn't find module or a distribution 1
! Installing Want failed. See /home/person1/.cpanm/work/1478143248.11612/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'Want' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for IO-Prompt-0.997002.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'IO::Prompt' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for Pinto-0.12.
Deracination commented 7 years ago

It mostly installs direct from cpan (cpanm Pinto), but fails tests in Pinto itself:

Test Summary Report
t/02-bowels/42-install.t            (Wstat: 768 Tests: 9 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  5-6, 8
  Non-zero exit status: 3
t/02-bowels/43-install-and-pull.t   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  3
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/03-remote/03-install.t            (Wstat: 512 Tests: 7 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  4-5
  Non-zero exit status: 2
t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t  (Wstat: 256 Tests: 7 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  5
  Non-zero exit status: 1
heikojansen commented 7 years ago

Pinto references Want v0.26 at but for Perl post 5.23.8 apparently v0.28 or later is required: cf.

pjcj commented 7 years ago

Installing the latest Want before Pinto seems to work:

$ cpanm --notest --quiet --local-lib-contained $PINTO_HOME --man-pages Want
$ curl -L | bash

Would be nice if this weren't necessary though.

Deracination commented 7 years ago

Works great on 5.24.1 after installing the latest Want to $PINTO_HOME first

thaljef commented 7 years ago

I have updated the version of Want in the stratopan repository. So fresh installations will get the latest Want, but for existing installations, the getpinto installer won't actually update anything until a new version of Pinto is released. I'll do that this weekend.