thaljef / Pinto

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pintod serves wrong package #245

Open michaelfung opened 6 years ago

michaelfung commented 6 years ago

I am using the current master branch of pinto.

I am not able to install Devel::CheckLib as pintod serves the wrong package. Please see below.

Screen dump:

root@01ccf760c844:/# cpanm -M http://localcpan.lan:3111 Devel::CheckLib                       
--> Working on Devel::CheckLib
Fetching http://localcpan.lan:3111/authors/id/I/IK/IKRUGLOV/Sereal-Path-4.003.tar.gz ... OK
Configuring Sereal-Path-4.003 ... OK
Building and testing Sereal-Path-4.003 ... OK
Successfully installed Sereal-Path-4.003
1 distribution installed

Moreover, pinto list contains:

[rf-] Devel::CheckLib                                  0.98 IKRUGLOV/Sereal-Path-4.003.tar.gz

Thanks, Michael

michaelfung commented 6 years ago

After pinto delete IKRUGLOV/Sereal-Path-4.003.tar.gz and then pinto pull Devel::CheckLib , it returns normal.

Don't know why it went wrong in the first place.