thaljef / Pinto

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Pinto cant pull specific versions w/o AUTHOR/DISTRO.tar.gz form #251

Open dci2112 opened 5 years ago

dci2112 commented 5 years ago

I am using these repos in my pinto.ini:

sources = ""

and when I do this pull:

pinto -v -v -r my/repo pull -M List::MoreUtils==0.416

I get this output:

Pulling target List::MoreUtils==0.416 to stack master
Cannot find List::MoreUtils==0.416 anywhere

This happens if I use the @0.416 or ==0.416 syntax. But if I specify the full author/tar.gz

pinto -v -v -r my/repo pull -M REHSACK/List-MoreUtils-0.416.tar.gz

it happily finds and pulls the file.

I have not yet had time to dig into this, I will update if I do.