thammegowda / tensorflow-grpc-java

Tensorflow grpc java client for image recognition serving inception model
Apache License 2.0
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🌵 - add auto generated grpc java classes #1

Closed johndpope closed 7 years ago

johndpope commented 7 years ago

auto generated java files for tensorflow serving. Add to auto scaffold classes.

Was there a reason why you couldn't leverage the java grpc classes?

I suspect if you subclassed the inference class - then it would simplify your implementation.

screen shot 2017-04-29 at 12 52 20
thammegowda commented 7 years ago

@johndpope Hi John,

auto generated java files for tensorflow serving. Add to auto scaffold classes.

I did autogenerate necessary java files. This client uses only one API for image classificaition and hence only one file is generated from .proto files.

Was there a reason why you couldn't leverage the java grpc classes? I suspect if you subclassed the inference class - then it would simplify your implementation.

Checkout the there I have class InceptionBlockingStub extends AbstractStub<InceptionBlockingStub>

then it would simplify your implementation

I am not sure about that but interested to check it out. I appreciate if you could send a new PR that shows simplification by deleting the existing code rather than adding new 402 files!