thang-nm / Ludwigx

⌨️ Minimal Ludwig app on macOS menu bar without daily limitation
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Feature Request: Global Shortcut #1

Open zqso opened 4 years ago

zqso commented 4 years ago

Hi, Love this app. Wonder if there's any possibility to add global shortcuts to bring out the popup window? Thank you.

thang-nm commented 4 years ago

Thank @zqso! Great idea, i will update it soon!

zqso commented 4 years ago

Thank @zqso! Great idea, i will update it soon!

Thanks for your quick response, so glad to hear.

One more request and I know this is too much to ask:) And if this is not your plan, that will be ok, just ignore me.

Here's the request: Make the popup float and put a pin on the corner. If pinned, it will be floating on the screen and won't disappear until we close it. So that users will be able to continually use it. Or you may come up with a better idea. Attachment is the Eudic dictionary with a popup window I use a lot, with a search bar.



thang-nm commented 4 years ago

I will consider it! Thank you so much :)

thang-nm commented 4 years ago

Hey @zqso, i just released a new version. Please check it out at here You can use Command + Shift + L to show Ludwigx. I will remake Popover, improve API module and add pin feature later! Thank you!

zqso commented 4 years ago

Hey @zqso, i just released a new version. Please check it out at here You can use Command + Shift + L to show Ludwigx. I will remake Popover, improve API module and add pin feature later! Thank you!

Thanks @thang-nm . And I am able to remap long-press backslash key with Karabiner Elements to trigger "cmd+shift+L" to bring up the popup. Now it becomes so handy. For the Popover, there's no push at all, please take your time. Thanks again!

thang-nm commented 4 years ago

Hey @zqso, i just added the pin button, please check out version 0.0.4.

zqso commented 4 years ago

Hey @zqso, i just added the pin button, please check out version 0.0.4.

This is wonderful! I've checked the update. Works perfectly.

PS: I noticed there's a minor UI element that might be improved: The Close Button is white-out as opposed to the Pin Button, which is flawless.

Everything is working well otherwise. Thank you for implementing this.


  1. macOS Catalina 10.15.6
  2. Theme: Light Appearance

Screenshot attached: image

thang-nm commented 4 years ago

Hi @zqso, my bad, Im sorry 🙏🏻 . Forgot the light mode. Just made a new release, please download v0.0.5. Thank you!