thangbui / geepee

A collection of Gaussian process models
MIT License
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Approximate Power-EP for Deep GPs with intermediate variables for density models/latent variable models #8

Open thangbui opened 7 years ago

thangbui commented 7 years ago

Related to #7, need to figure out a good initialisation scheme

wil-j-wil commented 6 years ago

Hi thangbui, Firstly, thanks a lot for sharing this code, it's great. Does the repo contain code for a Deep GP latent variable model, or is this not fully implemented yet?

thangbui commented 6 years ago

Hi @wil-j-wil,

Unfortunately, there are still many models missing or not fully implemented. My goal originally was to have all of the following models + inference schemes under one package [the goal is not to have another GPflow or GPy, but something more research-y and more pedagogical]:

I've been busy with other projects but will try to get back to this hopefully very soon.

Best, Thang.