thangchung / awesome-dotnet-core

:honeybee: A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software
19.81k stars 2.88k forks source link

Starz, watch and github forks #335

Closed Diaskhan closed 5 years ago

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

Maybe, we should add a starz to repos,

after project link count of stars in github ? Maybe need some program that scans all links and update the stars count !

ngohungphuc commented 6 years ago

Why should we do that ? I don't think is necessary Firstly it would look kinda messy since we have a lot of repo in readme

scans all links and update the stars count Secondly I think there are no tool help us to do that

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

Maybe add second page, that starz source page and added in repositroy ? I could write it. its very simple !

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

By count of statz and forks we could make objective analyz that repository will supported in future! And on what stage is library! Alpha,stable and how many users is use it ! For example this is veujs ui framework that has

27 k stars! I think is repo has LTS! Any others ui lib for vuejs still have no 10k stars!

ngohungphuc commented 6 years ago

If you can do that please submit PR and I will review it. Thank you

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

If U call

Then api returns !


Need to write some app that by cycle checks all urls and write stars to md file !

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

And this would help

LordMike commented 6 years ago

What do others do here.. Let their CI system commit back to the repository?

There's no point in maintaining this by running a tool manually.

mzorec commented 6 years ago

I disagree by adding stars to the repository. This might give unfair disadvantage to the newer repositories which might be better than the old one but user will not check them because old repository have more stars. Also user will make in this case wrong choice which lib to use.

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

There Have another Good vision. Is the date of last Commit! For example it could be september of 2013 or january of 2018.

Look at The AvalonEdit project is dead ! Every body could create superb project, but not anybody maintain them to the present days! To mantain project, must be community and commiters!

And count of closed Issues !

LordMike commented 6 years ago

Be aware that once a project is feature complete, there is rarely a reason to change it. If dependencies don't change and other circumstances stay the same -- the project will "seem" dead even though it isn't.

An example would be any form of maths / calculations / algorithms library. Once they're done .. they're done.

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

It is possible to include automatic script that will gather links and update file on github ?

thangchung commented 6 years ago

@Diaskhan @ngohungphuc @LordMike I thought about it last year, and look around some of the other awesome projects, but actually, they added stars and forks manually. I think that does not make sense to do that way. If there is anything way to do that with CI then it would be great.

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

@thangchung github CI is not for free! Possible must payed for CI!

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

Actually i could write tool to parse and make starz? @thangchung in future u could by yourself code in c#? Need more information about we just provide stars information ? Need to ptovide date of last commit ?

By the way the travis ci is free for opensource projects

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

This is example for travic ci and C#

thangchung commented 6 years ago

@Diaskhan Yes, agreed that we can code for this type of functionality, but then we need to let the CI commit changes to GitHub again. It might make more cumbersome for awesome-dotnetcode project back then.

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago Output of xunit!

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

Commit data to travis

Diaskhan commented 6 years ago

We dont gonna be touch main source file ! We gonna create new file with stars and last cimmit information !

thangchung commented 5 years ago

Close it now. Because we don't work on it.