thangchung / go-coffeeshop

☕ A practical event-driven microservices demo built with Golang. Nomad, Consul Connect, Vault, and Terraform for deployment
MIT License
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Get refused to connect after following instructions #16

Closed nikitavoloboev closed 1 year ago

nikitavoloboev commented 1 year ago

Get above.

Actually get this:

Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them

~/clones/go-coffeeshop main 1m 51s
base ❯ docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yaml up
Creating network "go-coffeeshop_coffeeshop-network" with the default driver
Pulling postgres (postgres:14-alpine)...
14-alpine: Pulling from library/postgres
261da4162673: Pull complete
5dc5a1575ff6: Pull complete
4753903688c5: Pull complete
afadd6a70e8a: Pull complete
257391ea2d32: Pull complete
8058995a64a2: Pull complete
c965d7969de7: Pull complete
98c6fa46b756: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:1785b8611bb46e7b8776841be5febc322cdb84c3b72c12bfed364379ecdf9b0d
Status: Downloaded newer image for postgres:14-alpine
Pulling rabbitmq (rabbitmq:3.11-management-alpine)...
3.11-management-alpine: Pulling from library/rabbitmq
6875df1f5354: Pull complete
b7d42b41512a: Pull complete
38ce1e51f146: Pull complete
30f3b8c492fe: Pull complete
d0a640a44f52: Pull complete
222d71114c97: Pull complete
e4ed5fb5aa18: Pull complete
607ce441501c: Pull complete
4971aa665d3a: Pull complete
3dd21f62f233: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:144122321e04952e54ec12eb8946ae784aa05bd42ef69b59ed153599b84a5d69
Status: Downloaded newer image for rabbitmq:3.11-management-alpine
Creating go-coffeeshop_product_1  ... done
Creating go-coffeeshop_rabbitmq_1 ... done
Creating go-coffeeshop_postgres_1 ... done
Creating go-coffeeshop_barista_1  ... done
Creating go-coffeeshop_kitchen_1  ... done
Creating go-coffeeshop_counter_1  ... done
Creating go-coffeeshop_proxy_1    ... error

ERROR: for go-coffeeshop_proxy_1  Cannot start service proxy: Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: address already in use

ERROR: for proxy  Cannot start service proxy: Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: address already in use
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
nikitavoloboev commented 1 year ago

Can build before open this ports? I just ran

> docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yaml build
> docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yaml up

But locally on my mac, not devcontainer.

duonghaichau commented 1 year ago

For MacOS, you need to disable AirPlay to make 5000 available. System Preference > Sharing > uncheck AirPlay Receiver.

thangtv611 commented 1 year ago

Please take a look:

thangchung commented 1 year ago

Fixed in the latest version in the main branch at Feel free to re-open it if there are still things else to fix.