thanos-io / kube-thanos

Kubernetes specific configuration for deploying Thanos.
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How-to add nodeSelector restriction to components? #181

Open sdurrheimer opened 3 years ago

sdurrheimer commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

Before the recent refactor, I was able to add by nodeSelector restriction, like the following example:

local s = + + + 
  commonConfig + {
    config+:: {
      name: 'thanos-store',
      replicas: 1,
    statefulSet+: {
      spec+: {
        template+: {
          spec+: {
            nodeSelector+: {
              '': 'kubernetes-infra',

With the new format, how can I achieve the same behavior?

I tried the following:

local s = {
  replicas: 1,
  serviceMonitor: true,
  statefulSet+: {
    spec+: {
      template+: {
        spec+: {
          nodeSelector+: {
            '': 'kubernetes-infra',

Thanks in advance,

sdurrheimer commented 3 years ago

Okay looks like the current way to do this is:

local s = {
  replicas: 1,
  serviceMonitor: true,
}) + {
  statefulSet+: {
    spec+: {
      template+: {
        spec+: {
          nodeSelector+: {
            '': 'kubernetes-infra',

but having a config field for that would be prettier.

Blizter commented 3 years ago

I do agree with you, it will make resource selection, and even resource claims DRY

metalmatze commented 3 years ago

This is exactly the right way to do it. :+1: What you came up with is the way things are supposed to be extended by people on their own. Having the Kubernetes specifics in the config object isn't supposed to happen for the most part. Again, this is exactly what I would have had in mind for this too!

betorvs commented 3 years ago

And about to add node selector in store shards. How do we do this?

local strs = t.storeShards(commonConfig {
  shards: 3,
  replicas: 3,
  serviceMonitor: true,
  bucketCache: {
    type: 'memcached',
    config+: {
      // NOTICE: <MEMCACHED_SERCIVE> is a placeholder to generate examples.
      // List of memcached addresses, that will get resolved with the DNS service discovery provider.
      // For DNS service discovery reference
      addresses: ['memcached.%s.svc.cluster.local:11211' % commonConfig.namespace],
  indexCache: {
    type: 'memcached',
    config+: {
      // NOTICE: <MEMCACHED_SERCIVE> is a placeholder to generate examples.
      // List of memcached addresses, that will get resolved with the DNS service discovery provider.
      // For DNS service discovery reference
      addresses: ['memcached.%s.svc.cluster.local:11211' % commonConfig.namespace],
}) + {
  statefulSet+: {
    spec+: {
      template+: {
        spec+: {
          nodeSelector+: {
            '': 'kubernetes-infra',

This is not adding it.

sdurrheimer commented 3 years ago

@betorvs By looking here, we can see that the store shards need an additional shards {} enclosure.

You can try:

}) + {
  shards+: {
    statefulSet+: {
      spec+: {
        template+: {
          spec+: {
            nodeSelector+: {
              '<label>': '<label-value>',

And maybe even one more as it's looping over the number of shards.

betorvs commented 3 years ago

@sdurrheimer thanks for replying it. But when I added it:

RUNTIME ERROR: Field does not exist: service
        local.jsonnet:262:21-47 thunk from <object <anonymous>>
        <std>:715:15-22 thunk <val> from <function <format_codes_arr>>
        <std>:722:27-30 thunk from <thunk <s> from <function <format_codes_arr>>>
        <std>:592:22-25 thunk from <function <format_code>>
        <std>:592:9-26  function <format_code>
        <std>:722:15-60 thunk <s> from <function <format_codes_arr>>
        <std>:727:24-25 thunk from <thunk <s_padded> from <function <format_codes_arr>>>
        <std>:480:30-33 thunk from <thunk from <function <pad_left>>>
        <std>:480:19-34 thunk from <function <pad_left>>
        Array element 11
        Field "args"
        Array element 0
        Field "containers"
        Field "spec"
        Field "template"
        Field "spec"
        Field "thanos-query-deployment"
        During manifestation

I found another way to add it. I add a new variable:

local test = {
    spec+: {
      template+: {
        spec+: {
          nodeSelector+: {
            '': 'kubernetes-infra',

Then I changed shards for:

  ['store-' + shard + '-' + name]: strs.shards[shard][name] + test
  for shard in std.objectFields(strs.shards) 
  for name in std.objectFields(strs.shards[shard]) 
  if strs.shards[shard][name] != null
} +

It works. I'm not sure if this is the best solution. I'm pretty new using jsonnet.

betorvs commented 3 years ago

no. it didn't work. It creates nodeSelector inside services too.

dschaaff commented 3 years ago

Curious about this as well. I'm unable to get a nodeSelector working with sharded thanos store. I'm not super familiar with jsonnet either. Following the example here gives me the error

RUNTIME ERROR: field does not exist: service
        thanos.jsonnet:134:21-47        thunk <service>
        thanos.jsonnet:133:52-59        thunk <array_element>
        std.jsonnet:708:15-22   thunk <val>
        std.jsonnet:715:27-30   thunk <val>
        std.jsonnet:585:22-25   thunk <a>
        std.jsonnet:36:8-19     thunk <a>
        std.jsonnet:36:8-31     function <anonymous>
        std.jsonnet:36:8-31     function <anonymous>
        std.jsonnet:585:9-26    function <format_code>
        std.jsonnet:237:7-23    function <anonymous>
        vendor/kube-thanos/kube-thanos-query.libsonnet:110:11-31        thunk <array_element>
        vendor/kube-thanos/kube-thanos-query.libsonnet:(100:9)-(142:10) object <c>
        vendor/kube-thanos/kube-thanos-query.libsonnet:188:26   thunk <array_element>
        vendor/kube-thanos/kube-thanos-query.libsonnet:188:25-28        object <anonymous>
        thanos.jsonnet:(139:18)-(145:8) object <anonymous>
        thanos.jsonnet:(138:12)-(146:6) object <anonymous>
        thanos.jsonnet:(137:16)-(147:4) object <anonymous>
        thanos.jsonnet:208:1-70 object <anonymous>
        During manifestation
dschaaff commented 2 years ago

I figured this out FYI

local storeShardCount = 9;
local strs = t.storeShards(commonConfig.config {
  replicas: 2,
  shards: storeShardCount,
  serviceMonitor: true,
  resources: {
    requests: {
      cpu: '6000m',
      memory: '18G',
    limits: {
      memory: '20G',
  bucketCache: {
    type: 'memcached',
    config+: {
      addresses: ['dnssrv+_memcache._tcp.thanos-store-memcached.monitoring.svc.cluster.local'],
      max_item_size: '16MiB',
      max_async_buffer_size: 100000,
      max_get_multi_batch_size: 1000,
      max_idle_connections: 750,
      timeout: '750ms',
  indexCache: {
    type: 'memcached',
    config+: {
      addresses: ['dnssrv+_memcache._tcp.thanos-store-memcached.monitoring.svc.cluster.local'],
      max_item_size: '16MiB',
      max_async_buffer_size: 100000,
      max_get_multi_batch_size: 1000,
      max_idle_connections: 750,
      timeout: '750ms',
}) + {
  shards+: {
    ['shard%d' % i ]+: {
     statefulSet+: {
        spec+: {
          template+: {
            spec+: {
              nodeSelector: {
                '': 'amd64',
    for i in std.range(0, storeShardCount - 1 )