thanos-io / promql-engine

Multi-threaded PromQL engine implementation based on the Volcano paper.
Apache License 2.0
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LFX: Research querying Apache Parquet files #167

Open fpetkovski opened 1 year ago

fpetkovski commented 1 year ago

Since we have a separation between the logical plan and execution, we can allow querying arbitrary data sources using PromQL.

One such data source could be Apache Parquet files, similar to how currently works. We can also investigate options to directly integrate with FrostDB if that makes querying Parquet simpler.

Shubham4359 commented 1 year ago

Hey @fpetkovski I would like to work on this issue in the upcoming LFX mentorship term. I have previously worked with Apache Parquet files where i had to write given metadata to parquet files. Doing query on top of Parquet files would be the next stage of exploration for me. Can you give me a brief idea about the prerequisites needed to learn and is there anything else that needs to be looked into?

fpetkovski commented 1 year ago

Hey @Shubham4359, thanks for expressing interest in this project. Feel free to apply through the LFX website :)

Althaf66 commented 1 year ago

I am interest in this project.Can you give the information about the project breifly and its prerequesites.

fpetkovski commented 1 year ago

Here's a link to the LFX project:

Althaf66 commented 1 year ago

Hi @fpetkovski ,Thanks for the information.I like to work on this issue in the LFX mentorship term. I requested to give prerequisites and tools or techstack to complete this project.

fpetkovski commented 1 year ago

Hi @Althaf66, knowledge of golang should be sufficient for this project.

vishalvivekm commented 1 year ago

Hi @fpetkovski I am a beginner learning go. I am really interested to contribute to this project as a Linux Foundation mentee for the upcoming spring term. After applying, I was curious if I should focus solely on finding and contributing to issue or I should focus on learning about the go and project-requisites in more detail ? can you please help me on this!

fpetkovski commented 1 year ago

Hi @vishalvivekm, feel free to look at the issues with a good-first-issue tag :)

Sagar180304 commented 1 year ago

Hi @fpetkovski I am looking forward to contribute in these issue under LFX Mentorship 2023

vishalvivekm commented 1 year ago

Hi @vishalvivekm, feel free to look at the issues with a good-first-issue tag :)

Roger That. I'll be looking for them to make contributions. Thanks :)

Zaher1307 commented 1 year ago

Hi @fpetkovski, I will be glad to work in this issue in LFX mentorship. I have previous work experience in Golang and I have already applied in LFX website, so what should I have to do to contribute?

douglascamata commented 1 year ago

There has been an LFX mentee selected to work on this: @Shubham4359, as communicated through the #thanos-dev CNCF channel.

yeya24 commented 1 day ago

What's the next step of this issue? Do we plan to contribute another storage scanner implementation or we can close this issue?