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Dependency - Update minio-go to v7.0.70 #7335

Closed eqfarhad closed 1 month ago

eqfarhad commented 1 month ago

fix issue: #7157

Bumping the Minio-go dependency version to the v7.0.70 as it contains support for EKS Pod Identity


Bump the minio-go version to v7.0.70

eqfarhad commented 1 month ago

I think it is still unclear to me how to use the EKS Pod Identity feature.

IMO it's more on AWS side; the docs are available on their side and well explained how it works or how to use Pod Identity feature instead of IAM Roles for service accounts (IRSA) in EKS.

in case of Thanos IIUC based on the s3 pkg and your comment we are relying on Minio-go, hence they had to push the update first to support it; Which they did and here in the update for minio-go, we can see that now beside the other env variables it also checks the AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_FILE that's a new env var provided by Pod Identity feature

Do we need to update docs somewhere for instructions?

I did a quick search in the docs, and maybe we can add it here, wdyt?

yeya24 commented 1 month ago

Cool, thanks for the comment. I think I am ok to proceed with this pr without updating docs. We don't have doc for AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_FILE as well

yeya24 commented 1 month ago

There is a conflict in changelog

eqfarhad commented 1 month ago

There is a conflict in changelog

I just rebased my branch so it should be fine now

eqfarhad commented 4 days ago

Just noticed that the changelog entry seems wrong. It shouldn't be under Fixed. Should be Added instead as it is a feature/enhancement.

I've opened a new PR to fix the changelog position;