thanpolas / grunt-closure-tools

Google Closure Tools for grunt
MIT License
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[Question] closureBuilder and multiple targets #27

Closed rhashimoto closed 11 years ago

rhashimoto commented 11 years ago

The separation of closureBuilder options and targetName hints that the tool may be used for building multiple targets in a single task. If that is intended I don't understand why the required inputs/namespaces configuration is under options. Is it reasonable and possible to have multiple closureBuilder targets each with a distinct namespace? I'm new to grunt so I may just not be understanding how things should work. Thanks!

thanpolas commented 11 years ago

There is no "seperation". options when defined in the same level as a targetName have a global effect, applying to all targets. You can define options on a per target basis which makes these options only available to that target.

It's up to you how you want to structure it.

rhashimoto commented 11 years ago

Setting namespaces on a targetName doesn't seem to override the value in options with the grunt-closure-tools 0.8.1. If my javascript has goog.provide('foo'), the below code doesn't work because namespaces is required in options:

    closureBuilder: {
      options: {
        closureLibraryPath: '/opt/closure/closure-library',

      test: {
        namespaces: 'foo',
        src: ['/opt/closure/closure-library', 'js/'],
        dest: './test-compiled.js'

And the below code doesn't work, because namespaces in the target doesn't override the value in options:

    closureBuilder: {
      options: {
        closureLibraryPath: '/opt/closure/closure-library',
        namespaces: 'bar',

      test: {
        namespaces: 'foo',
        src: ['/opt/closure/closure-library', 'js/'],
        dest: './test-compiled.js'

Is there a way to specify multiple targets with different namespaces?

thanpolas commented 11 years ago

Put the target namespaces key inside an options key, like so:

   closureBuilder: {
      options: {
        closureLibraryPath: '/opt/closure/closure-library',
        namespaces: 'bar',
    test: {
      options: {
        namespaces: 'foo'
      src: ['/opt/closure/closure-library', 'js/'],
      dest: './test-compiled.js'