thanpolas / grunt-closure-tools

Google Closure Tools for grunt
MIT License
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Create source maps for multiple files with expand #62

Closed rmbaad closed 7 years ago

rmbaad commented 10 years ago

I have this part of config:

closureCompiler: {
    options: {
        compilerFile: 'system/utils/compiler.jar',
        checkModified: true
    compilerOpts: {
        compilation_level: 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS',
        warning_level: 'verbose',
        summary_detail_level: 3
    minify: {
        files: [{
            expand: true,
            cwd: 'public/3/js/sources',
            src: '*.js',
            dest: 'public/3/js/min',
            ext: '.min.js'

Can I create souce maps a similar way? Now I have in public/3/js/sources: profile.js support.js offer.js

Ant this files minified to public/3/js/min: profile.min.js support.min.js offer.min.js

And I want to have in public/3/js/min too:

I don't understand how to do it. Can you help me?)

thanpolas commented 7 years ago

closing due to inactivity, feel free to re-open if the issue persists.