thaoshibe / BeautyGAN-PyTorch-reimplementation

A re-implementation of BeautyGAN: Instance-level Facial Makeup Transfer with Deep Generative Adversarial Network (ACM MM'18)
MIT License
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No visualization, logs and snapshots #7

Open BobaBobek opened 2 years ago

BobaBobek commented 2 years ago

Hi Thaoshibe, I try to train network by:

python --data_path /path/to/dataset --epochs=5000 --vis_step=100 --task_name=ganmakeup002

I already trained 368 epochs from 5 000 but I am not able to find any output in these subdirectories /vizualization/_ganmakeup002 , /snapshot/_ganmakeup002, /logs/_ganmakeup002. I expected some outputs every 100 epochs (--vis_step=100). Did I miss some parameter?

thaoshibe commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I've tested the code and it ran smoothly in my local machine. In the visualization folder, you should find something like this


I'm sorry to say that I can not help you without further details.

Please try to debug from here

Have a good day! (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)

BobaBobek commented 2 years ago

Hi, I found out that there is a difference between trainig with standard Makup Transfer Dataset and training with Makup Transfer Dataset with UV-map texture (from project VinAIResearch/CPM). The logging of training with standard Makup Transfer Dataset is working fine, but the logging of training with Makup Transfer Dataset with UV-map texture is not working, because this condition is TRUE every time and logging is skiped:

                    # avoid the situation that images with eye closed
                    if not ((mask_A_eye_left>0).any() and (mask_B_eye_left>0).any() and \
                        (mask_A_eye_right > 0).any() and (mask_B_eye_right > 0).any()):

Any idea how to overcome this for Makup Transfer Dataset with UV-map texture? Removing this condition is not working.

thaoshibe commented 2 years ago

I can not come up with any reason for that. Let's say, just comment out those lines and see what'll happen?

BobaBobek commented 2 years ago

When I comment this piece of code, it crashes inside rebound_box function on line 213: mask_A_face[: ,: ,min(x_A_index)-10:max(x_A_index)+11, min(y_A_index)-10:max(y_A_index)+11] ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence

thaoshibe commented 2 years ago

Then I'd suggest you to double-check your mask 🤔 It should be facial segmentation and have value as mentioned here

thaoshibe commented 2 years ago

Hello, have you solve the issue? :<

BobaBobek commented 2 years ago

-Unfortunately no :-(