thardie / Cities2-Mods

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Constant game crashes #2

Open V10lator opened 1 year ago

V10lator commented 1 year ago

I have a savegame here which crashes after around a minute after loading with the mod enabled. No crash w/o the mod.


[Error  : Unity Log] [SceneFlow] [CRITICAL]  System update error during GameSimulation System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Unity.Entities.EntityComponentStore.InsertSharedComponent_Unmanaged (Unity.Entities.TypeIndex typeIndex, System.Int32 hashCode, System.Void* data, System.Void* defaultValue) [0x000e5] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityDataAccess.InsertSharedComponent_Unmanaged[T] (T newData) [0x0002f] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityQueryImpl.AddSharedComponentFilterUnmanaged[SharedComponent] (SharedComponent sharedComponent) [0x00064] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityQueryImpl.SetSharedComponentFilterUnmanaged[SharedComponent1] (SharedComponent1 sharedComponent1) [0x00006] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityQuery.SetSharedComponentFilter[SharedComponent] (SharedComponent sharedComponent) [0x00006] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Game.Simulation.CarNavigationSystem.OnUpdate () [0x00026] in <1f030b0a20a34c92a53f8d33297505a2>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.SystemBase.Update () [0x0004e] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Game.UpdateSystem.Update (Game.SystemUpdatePhase phase, System.UInt32 updateIndex, System.Int32 iterationIndex) [0x0007a] in <1f030b0a20a34c92a53f8d33297505a2>:0 

Complete LogOutput.txt (with Unity Log redirection enabled in BepInEx) :

[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - Cities2 (20.11.2023 10:51:36)
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity v2022.3.7.9732149
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 patcher plugin loaded
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 plugin to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [BetterPedestrianPathfind 0.0.1]
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Plugin BetterPedestrianPathfind is loaded!
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info   :   Console] Logs at C:/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Logs
[Info   : Unity Log] Game version: 1.0.14f1 (135.24916) [5275.25758]
[Info   : Unity Log] Type: Desktop
OS: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
System memory: 31,241 GB
Graphics device: AMD Radeon RX 580 Series (RADV POLARIS10) (Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1])
Graphics memory: 8,000 GB
Max texture size: 16384
Shader level: 50
3D textures: True
Shadows: True
Compute: True
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor
Core count: 8
Platform: WindowsPlayer
Screen resolution: 1920x1080x60
Window resolution: 1920x1080
DPI: 96
Rendering Threading Mode: LegacyJobified
CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
Scripting runtime: Mono 6.13.0 (Visual Studio built mono)
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   :BetterPedestrianPathfind] Override PedestrianPathfind called
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 898, 425
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 903, 420
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 903, 414
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 904, 413
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 905, 412
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 902, 408
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 902, 408
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 897, 398
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 894, 392
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 893, 393
[Info   : Unity Log] Found water here : 899, 408
[Error  : Unity Log] [SceneFlow] [CRITICAL]  System update error during GameSimulation System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Unity.Entities.EntityComponentStore.InsertSharedComponent_Unmanaged (Unity.Entities.TypeIndex typeIndex, System.Int32 hashCode, System.Void* data, System.Void* defaultValue) [0x000e5] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityDataAccess.InsertSharedComponent_Unmanaged[T] (T newData) [0x0002f] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityQueryImpl.AddSharedComponentFilterUnmanaged[SharedComponent] (SharedComponent sharedComponent) [0x00064] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityQueryImpl.SetSharedComponentFilterUnmanaged[SharedComponent1] (SharedComponent1 sharedComponent1) [0x00006] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.EntityQuery.SetSharedComponentFilter[SharedComponent] (SharedComponent sharedComponent) [0x00006] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Game.Simulation.CarNavigationSystem.OnUpdate () [0x00026] in <1f030b0a20a34c92a53f8d33297505a2>:0 
  at Unity.Entities.SystemBase.Update () [0x0004e] in <9823f950a18a49a1a4ada101a5698c63>:0 
  at Game.UpdateSystem.Update (Game.SystemUpdatePhase phase, System.UInt32 updateIndex, System.Int32 iterationIndex) [0x0007a] in <1f030b0a20a34c92a53f8d33297505a2>:0 
V10lator commented 1 year ago

Forget to say: It doesn't always produce a crashlog. Also sometimes the game just freezes, sometimes this pops up: image And sometimes this: image (sorry about the bad quality shot)

V10lator commented 1 year ago

Tried to rewrite Patches.cs to this:

using Game.Prefabs;
using HarmonyLib;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Entities;

namespace BetterPedestrianPathfind;

class Patches
    [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PedestrianPathfind), "Initialize")]
    static bool Prefix(ref EntityManager entityManager, ref Entity entity, PedestrianPathfind __instance) {
        Logger.LogInfo("Override PedestrianPathfind called");

        PathfindPedestrianData componentData = default(PathfindPedestrianData);
        GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(componentData); // TODO: Unpin

        componentData.m_WalkingCost = new PathfindCostInfo(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.01f).ToPathfindCosts();
        componentData.m_CrosswalkCost = new PathfindCostInfo(0f, 0f, 0f, 5f).ToPathfindCosts();
        componentData.m_UnsafeCrosswalkCost = new PathfindCostInfo(0f, 1000f, 0f, 5f).ToPathfindCosts();
        componentData.m_SpawnCost = new PathfindCostInfo(5f, 0f, 0f, 0f).ToPathfindCosts();

        entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, componentData);
 //       GCHandle.Free(gch); // TODO: Too early?
        return false;

Can't test through as I don't know where to get the missing assembly Visual Studio complains about. So if you could compile this (maybe two times: One time like it is here and one time with the commented out line uncommented) and handle the result(s) over to me I could do some testing. :)

Note that I'm not 100% sure it will compile through: I'm not that familiar with C# / .NET, esp. not with its garbage collector.

V10lator commented 1 year ago

Managed to compile and saw the real issue when comparing with game codes. Confirmed the fix with my bug triggering savegame and opened a PR. :)