No visual feedback for download button: Press the download button; it glows blue brief. There is no indication that it is downloading anything. At minimum the button needs to animated. Would be good if it indicated what it was downloading. This could be done in the queue list showing the total amount downloaded. This could then change to the programme length after it finishes. This would be like Google Listen.
Same for subscriptions: Needs an animation to show that it is checking the subscriptions. Possibly indicating which subscription it is checking (like Google Listen).
No visual feedback for download button: Press the download button; it glows blue brief. There is no indication that it is downloading anything. At minimum the button needs to animated. Would be good if it indicated what it was downloading. This could be done in the queue list showing the total amount downloaded. This could then change to the programme length after it finishes. This would be like Google Listen. Same for subscriptions: Needs an animation to show that it is checking the subscriptions. Possibly indicating which subscription it is checking (like Google Listen).