thasmin / Podax

Podcast client for Android
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Feature request: disable updates #172

Open yamatt opened 11 years ago

yamatt commented 11 years ago

Hi. Can we have an option to disable updates or control how often they happen. I noticed while playing games that updates occur and dramatically slow the performance if the game. It would be useful to disable updates for a time so that games can run smoothly.


thasmin commented 11 years ago

Sure why not.

thasmin commented 11 years ago

I've switch it to update every 6 hours instead of 1. It doesn't close the issue but it should help.

mscurtescu commented 11 years ago

Does podax respect the global sync setting from the "Power control" widget?

thasmin commented 11 years ago

Since I can't find any information on how to look up the value of this setting, I'm guessing no.

tgpraveen commented 11 years ago

I think that global sync setting only applies to things which are listed in the sync options of an account as listed in the settings menu (Settings->Accounts->Google->Syncable items.) Not 100% sure though.