thasmin / Podax

Podcast client for Android
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Crash on startup makes Podax completely unusable (Nexus 4 with 4.4.2) #192

Closed mcepl closed 10 years ago

mcepl commented 10 years ago

See for logcat. This looks promising:

E/ACRA (12704): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/ACRA (12704): at<init>(
E/ACRA (12704): at android.text.HtmlToSpannedConverter.convert(
E/ACRA (12704): at android.text.Html.fromHtml(
E/ACRA (12704): at android.text.Html.fromHtml(
E/ACRA (12704): at com.axelby.podax.ui.PodcastDetailFragment.initializeUI(
E/ACRA (12704): at com.axelby.podax.ui.PodcastDetailFragment.onLoadFinished(
E/ACRA (12704): at com.axelby.podax.ui.PodcastDetailFragment.onLoadFinished(
E/ACRA (12704): at$LoaderInfo.callOnLoadFinished(
E/ACRA (12704): at$LoaderInfo.onLoadComplete(
E/ACRA (12704): at
E/ACRA (12704): at
E/ACRA (12704): at
E/ACRA (12704): at
E/ACRA (12704): at$LoadTask.onPostExecute(
E/ACRA (12704): at
E/ACRA (12704): at$500(
E/ACRA (12704): at$InternalHandler.handleMessage(
E/ACRA (12704): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/ACRA (12704): at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/ACRA (12704): at
E/ACRA (12704): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/ACRA (12704): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
E/ACRA (12704): at$
E/ACRA (12704): at
E/ACRA (12704): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
thasmin commented 10 years ago

I'm pretty sure I made a fix for this last night. There's another bug or two to fix and then I'll push out a new version. I'll try to get it out in the next couple of days. I'll update this bug when I push the fix to github.

thasmin commented 10 years ago

The fix is in bb9bc7d. By the way, if you can let me know what the first podcast in her queue is then I can make sure that her specific problem is fixed.

mcepl commented 10 years ago

By the way, if you can let me know what the first podcast in her queue is then I can make sure that her specific problem is fixed.

Unfortunately not, Podax crashes even before showing the queue.

BTW, I tried gradle build (although, I have huge doubts about using gradle at all ... see; following that gradle has been removed from Fedora as unamaintenable; apparently it is yet another Google’s “crap we throw over the fence and don’t care about anybody else”) and the result is quite unpersuasive. It ends with:


FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '/home/matej/archiv/knihovna/repos/tmp/Podax/build.gradle' line: 9

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'Podax'.
> Could not create plugin of type 'AppPlugin'.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 26.515 secs
matej@wycliff: Podax (master %)$ 
mcepl commented 10 years ago

then I'll push out a new version. I'll try to get it out in the next couple of days.

??? That was six days ago. I know, you are busy and this is a work of love, but my wife asks me every day where is here podcatcher. I am sorry for being pushy.

thasmin commented 10 years ago

There are still some issues but it's almost certainly better right now than the current version. I'll update it now.

mcepl commented 10 years ago

This has quite certainly not fixed in the Podax on the Play! store. Unfortunately, I have to find some other podcatcher for my wife, because Podax is currently unuseable for her.

thasmin commented 10 years ago

If Podax hasn't lost you as a user, could you try again with version 7.0? There was a bug fix in this version that fixed this problem.

mcepl commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately, you did loose her as an user, but I will test it for you anyway (I am on FxOS myself). Yes, version 7.0 (couldn't you get it on, please, as well?) Podax doesn't crash. Thanks $DEITY, that we have now choice between two nice FLOSS podcatchers (the second being AntennaPod).

thasmin commented 10 years ago

F-droid should update itself. If it's not updating, I'll talk to them again.