thasmin / Podax

Podcast client for Android
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Variable speed playback crash when using auxiliary pause button #195

Closed noyez closed 10 years ago

noyez commented 10 years ago

Summary: When using variable speed playback greater than 1.0x, podax often crashes on playback resume after pausing using and auxiliary pause button.

Detail: Symptoms of this bug appear when listening to a podcast at greater than 1.0x speed, pausing the podcast using an auxiliary pause button not directly part of podax's interface (i.e. a pause button on the head phones wire, or pause button on the lock screen, or pause button in the notifications drop-down), then resuming playback will often crash, or podax will be pausing at the wrong place in the podcast. I believe what happens is that podax does not properly track time in the podcast when using variable speed and using an auxiliary pause button; thus when playback resumes, podax thinks the podcast has completed and deletes the file, so on playback there is not more podcast file, then podax crashes.

Test: To test this bug, set variable playback greater than 1.0x, then use an auxiliary pause button, then resume playback. Playback resumes at the wrong point in the file or will crash podax.

thasmin commented 10 years ago

I'm currently in the process of fixing this by switching away from Android's MediaPlayer. It doesn't crash any more but speeding up the playback now has the chipmunk effect. I'm working on how to change the pitch back to normal.

noyez commented 10 years ago

Auxiliary pause buttons appear to work with the new release. There still is crashing when a podcast ends. This means that this report is representing two bugs. I can create a separate issue is necessary.

thasmin commented 10 years ago

Yes, please open a new issue. The crashing issue when speeding up the podcast has been fixed.