thasmin / Podax

Podcast client for Android
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Skip forward and skip back buttons operate other than expected #204

Open macplaxton opened 10 years ago

macplaxton commented 10 years ago

Podax 7.05 /Android 2.3.4 / Motorola Droid 3

I have the preferences set so that podcasts are not deleted when listened to.

Under normal playback, when the end of a podcast is reached, the next one in the queue starts and the completed one is sent to the end of the queue.

Pressing the far left "skip back" button. This only returns the position back to the start of the podcast. Expected behaviour would be one press to go to start of podcase, second press shortly after to skip back one in the playlist.

Pressing the far right "skip forward" button. This skips forward to the next podcast in the playlist, but despite preferences, also deletes current podcast even though it may have not been completely listened to. Expected behavior would be to maintain place without deletion and skip forward to the next one in the playlist.

Is this a bug or intended UI feature?

thasmin commented 10 years ago

Pressing skip back twice is not intended to go to the previous item in the playlist. Pressing forward should not remove the episode from the playlist if the preference is not to do that, so that's a bug.