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Viewer.OpenDZI implemented? #12

Closed dgutman closed 11 years ago

dgutman commented 12 years ago

I was trying to port some of my initial applet's from the initial Seadragon project to OpenSeadragon...

So I called:

myviewer = new OpenSeadragon.Viewer("container")

I then tried to use the openDzi method (command below)... and it didn't seem to work. I am not sure if this function simply hasn't been ported over yet.... in my case I am actually using the IIP Image Server to serve up DZI formatted images (so instead of having thousands of small JPEG's, IIPImage allows me to save the file as a single pyramidal tiff and generates the appropriate JPEG's on the fly).....
There's one little hack within the IIP framework to get this type of image served... basically I must prepend a '.dzi' extension to the "real" filename.. so it wasn't clear if the OpenSeaDragon is subsequently stripping out the dzi extension on the URL I am passing the function and so the call subsequently is not working...


So the "real" filename on my system is Examplefile.tif, but by adding the DZI extension the IIP image server knows I want to serve the image as a DZI file (it also supports a couple of other formats)..

When I actually hit the URL though, it does serve up a VALID XML file....

However when I call Viewer.opendzi('http://localhost/cgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?DeepZoom=/my/file/Examplefile.tif.dzi')

I get: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dimensions' of null

I realize a lot of the new changes are related to using the TileSource as the way to open it, but I was first trying to simply get my old code working before I try and migrate anything to the new way of doing things...

jakecobb commented 12 years ago

This functionality is broken because processDZI tries to call imageFormatSupported without qualifying it:

That should be changed from:

        if ( !imageFormatSupported( fileFormat ) ) {
            throw new Error(
                $.getString( "Errors.ImageFormat", fileFormat.toUpperCase() )


        if ( !$.imageFormatSupported( fileFormat ) ) {
            throw new Error(
                $.getString( "Errors.ImageFormat", fileFormat.toUpperCase() )

Otherwise imageFormatSupported is undefined and this propagates to cause the TypeError described above.

thatcher commented 11 years ago

this should be patched already, sorry for the delay