thaum-xyz / ankhmorpork

@paulfantom's GitOps managed kube cluster running in a cupboard. Built with fancy tools :sparkles:
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Alert: LastFailedArchiveTime in photos #492

Open paulfantom opened 1 month ago

paulfantom commented 1 month ago

Alert LastFailedArchiveTime firing in photos namespace

This is an automated issue created by the monitoring system. Please do not edit this message.

Alertmanager URL:

Issue was last updated at 2024-05-12 14:47:23.140029786 +0000 UTC m=+112171.097199850.

Common Labels

alertname LastFailedArchiveTime
cluster ankhmorpork
container postgres
endpoint metrics
job photos/postgres
namespace photos
pod postgres-2
prometheus monitoring/k8s
severity warning

Common Annotations

description Archiving failed for postgres-2
summary Checks the last time archiving failed. Will be -1 when it has not failed.


StartsAt Links
2024-05-12 14:41:48.827 +0000 UTC GeneratorURL