A paragraph that gives an overview of the types of literature relevant to your capstone. The literature sections may vary. The literature section as a whole should generally tie together forms of literature related to your project. Think of this major section as an interweaved annotated bibliography.
You should be able to find at least 3-5 academic research articles related to your capstone.
Research Articles: You should be able to find at least 3-5 academic research articles related to your capstone.
Books: If applicable.
Other Sources: Non-academic sources such as white papers, manuals, blogs, etc.
Software: Predecessor or current software projects related to your capstone area. Maybe libraries that you are incorporating into your project, projects that are inspiring your design, a project you are building on, etc.
(3-5 pages)
Literature Overview:
A paragraph that gives an overview of the types of literature relevant to your capstone. The literature sections may vary. The literature section as a whole should generally tie together forms of literature related to your project. Think of this major section as an interweaved annotated bibliography.
You should be able to find at least 3-5 academic research articles related to your capstone.
Research Articles: You should be able to find at least 3-5 academic research articles related to your capstone.
Books: If applicable.
Other Sources: Non-academic sources such as white papers, manuals, blogs, etc.
Software: Predecessor or current software projects related to your capstone area. Maybe libraries that you are incorporating into your project, projects that are inspiring your design, a project you are building on, etc.