thaytan / OpenHMD

Free and Open Source API and drivers for immersive technology.
Boost Software License 1.0
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No tracking in Zenith #45

Open TheGeka opened 2 years ago

TheGeka commented 2 years ago

First of all thank you for your work the driver works amazing except a slight delay between head movement and the movement visible inside the headset. Now to the actual issue, Tracking works great everywhere except in Zenith or DeoVr. As soon as the app is done starting the controllers stop tracking, if I open the steamvr overlay in-game they continue to work just fine.

OS: Kubuntu 21.10 Kernel version: 5.17.0-8.1-liquorix-amd64 HMD: Oculus CV1 OpenHMD: 489481c38387066a30dd5b5a7a48a76ecf129198 SteamVr: 1.22.13

Danny-Dunn commented 2 years ago

You may need to set the steamvr controller config to pretend that it is a different kind of controller.

TheGeka commented 2 years ago

I tried using the vive binding but that also did not help still the same issue