thaytan / OpenHMD

Free and Open Source API and drivers for immersive technology.
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Does the actual HMD have positional tracking? #48

Open Nyabsi opened 1 year ago

Nyabsi commented 1 year ago

I was wondering if the HMD does have Positional tracking because it's definitely not enabled by default I tried using OpenHMD in SteamVR but it was barely bearable because the HMD is not being tracked with the Sensors it just felt that there is huge latency and it most of the time always was kinda tilted so I was not looking straight is there fix for this? This issue probably would be better to put into thaytan/SteamVR-OpenHMD but I am pretty sure this is not issue within the driver itself.

thaytan commented 1 year ago

Take a look at

Nyabsi commented 1 year ago

back to this, I've verified that the HMD infact does not have Positional tracking...

device 0 vendor: Oculus VR, Inc. product: Rift (CV1) path: 5-1.1:1.0 class: HMD flags: 04 null device: no rotational tracking: yes positional tracking: no left controller: no right controller: no

Danny-Dunn commented 1 year ago

Have you followed the steps that @thaytan outlines in the blog post linked above? Positional tracking is experimental and requires compiling yourself.

Nyabsi commented 1 year ago

Yeah I followed the blog post above even using the same operating system as the blog post describes yet it does not work.