thd-research / mir_robot

ROS support for the MiR Robots. This is a community project to use the MiR Robots with ROS. It is not affiliated with Mobile Industrial Robots.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Add trajectory node for MIR control #4

Open MosyGhajar opened 1 year ago

MosyGhajar commented 1 year ago

I made a node to get the local trajectory made bz DWB Planner for the MIR Robot and try to follow this trajectory. This node is named To run node:

If you have and not the my committed mir_robot repository<<<<<

1- Install mir_robot package from:

2- Copy and paste the "" node in : catkin_ws/src/mir_robot/mir_navigation

If you want to download my committed mir_robot repository<<<<<

You can download my committed mir_robot repository directly in which the node should be in "mir_robot/mir_navigation"

3- Go to: mir_robot/mir_navigation/launch and open move_base.xml. Add the following line in line 24 (just before ):

in order to force move_base node to send its velocity commands to a dummy topic named as my_cmd_vel. Instead, we send our own velocity commands to cmd_vel.

4- go to this address and change the configuration of DWB Planner, in order to better make trajectories. (up to now this is the best setting, but further refinement is possible).


Open (dwb_local_planner_params.yaml) and change "scale" field of the following parameters as follows:

PathAlign (line 63) : 70

PathDistPruned (line 66) : 50

PathProgress (line 69): 2

5- Do the following in a new terminal and next close it:

cd catkin_ws


source devel/setup.bash

6- make the node executable when you are in mir_robot by running:

chmod +x mir_navigation/

or by right clicking the node file, going to properties and permissions, and selecting "Allow executing file as a program".

7- open new terminals and in each run the following commands in turn:

roslaunch mir_gazebo mir_maze_world.launch (Then press run in Gazebo)

roslaunch mir_navigation amcl.launch initial_pose_x:=10.0 initial_pose_y:=10.0

roslaunch mir_navigation start_planner.launch

rviz -d $(rospack find mir_navigation)/rviz/navigation.rviz

rosrun mir_navigation

***Note: after running the node, you see an error, but this is not hindering the node performance, it is due to some variables that do not get yet any value as they are waiting to receive a trajectory from move_base.

Now set a goal by rviz and after producing global and local trajectories by move_base, the node start to work.

The node and also the instructions can be downloaded here: