Try to make our prompt better and some tools to improve the devX around testing the prompt.
Add support for setting a character limit on the prompt
> gac config --max-length=60
Max length set to 60
> gac config -ml 70
Max length set to 70
Add a new CLI command for summarizing a diff from a local diff file
> gac summary --diff=.local/example.diff
Here is a summary of your changes:
✨add getOrganizationImage function for conditional image loading
to use this summary run: `git commit -m "✨add getOrganizationImage function for conditional image loading"`
Try to make our prompt better and some tools to improve the devX around testing the prompt.
Add support for setting a character limit on the prompt
Add a new CLI command for summarizing a diff from a local diff file
Test Plan
Build and install the latest changes
See output of the new CLI command above