the-carlisle-group / Acre-Desktop

A simple Dyalog APL IDE plugin that introduces "projects" and allows you to keep your source code in Unicode text files.
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SetChanged does not leave a trace in the acre log #155

Closed aplteam closed 5 years ago

aplteam commented 5 years ago

And neither does CreateProject. All commands should leave a trace in the log.

PhilLast commented 5 years ago

Given that SetChanged is capable of writing sourcefiles for anything from a single item; to the contents of a new namespace copied from elsewhere; to all the members of a project; and returns the entire list of them, what should be the message?

SetChanged wrote 1 sourcefile


SetChanged wrote 99 sourcefiles



or what?

PhilLast commented 5 years ago

With respect to the absence of messages also from CreateProject I suspect that there is a larger number of commands that, in normal circumstances, don't issue messages than of those that do.

In general, acre messages are issued for exceptions. Most that aren't are probably hangovers from when acre was unnecessarily a lot more verbose than it is now.

Would anyone identifying an absence of a useful message please also suggest what it ought to be?

Also - should messages identify the command that issued them? Or perhaps repeat the command and even its arguments, options and switches before any other messages it issues?

PhilLast commented 5 years ago

My offer of arguments, options and switches I hope is seen as extravagant for every message. The arguments are available directly but the options would require a quite complex and separate computation for each call of each command.

Nevertheless the request that All commands should leave a trace in the log fairly demands either the gist of what was entered or a meaningful message prefixed with the command name else the message would be unidentifiable.

PhilLast commented 5 years ago

Fixed by above commit