the-carlisle-group / Acre-Desktop

A simple Dyalog APL IDE plugin that introduces "projects" and allows you to keep your source code in Unicode text files.
MIT License
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]acre.stats output? #43

Closed norberturkiewicz closed 6 years ago

norberturkiewicz commented 6 years ago

What is the output supposed to be from ]acre.stats?

]openproject c:\github\acre-desktop Opening from c:/github/acre-desktop/ into #.acre 397 items loaded from c:/github/acre-desktop/.acre/codefile


]stats Project not open

The result is from Acre-Desktop 4.0.4

PhilLast commented 6 years ago
 #.dfns  C:/Users/Phil/Desktop/acre4 projects/dfns/ 
 #.acre  C:/Users/Phil/Desktop/acre4 projects/acre/ 
      ]stats dfns
| When opened:     2018-01-24 11:30:47 |
| Time to load:                     1s |
|                                      |
| Variables                        612 |
| Functions                        203 |
| Operators                         61 |
| Scripts                            0 |
| Classes                            0 |
| Interfaces                         0 |
|                                      |
| Total items:                     876 |
| in 6 namespaces                      |
      ]stats acre
| When opened:     2018-01-24 11:30:55 |
| Time to load:                     1s |
|                                      |
| Variables                          4 |
| Functions                        311 |
| Operators                         81 |
| Scripts                            1 |
| Classes                            0 |
| Interfaces                         0 |
|                                      |
| Total items:                     397 |
| in 9 namespaces                      |
PhilLast commented 6 years ago

for any command:

Command "acre.Stats".                                    

 Project Statistics                                      
 Syntax: ]Stats project                                  

Script location: "C:\Users\Phil\Desktop\acre\acre.dyalog"
norberturkiewicz commented 6 years ago

I guess the confusion came from the error message. "Project not open" wasn't too helpful with a blank input.

Syntax: ]Stats project

First I tried putting the full path to the project. Trial and your example showed that I need to use the project namespace name to get results.

PaulMansour commented 6 years ago

Don't forget to check the wiki documentation! I think it is actually close to being correct and up to date!

PhilLast commented 6 years ago

I have the syntax for each command available. I'll see if I can add them as error msg if commands are used wrongly. I think I already do that for CreateProject. Trouble is it's not Stats that's giving that message but the operator that decides which project it's going to give to it. Stats didn't get called because there wasn't one. But by then I know what the command's called so it should be fairly easy. In fact easier because I only have to do it in one place for all Project commands. And maybe Item commands too.

PhilLast commented 6 years ago

aplteam assigned PhilLast 10 hours ago

Can someone tell me what that means?

aplteam commented 6 years ago

It means that it becomes meaningful for you to use the filter "Your issues" in order to see just the issues assigned to you rather than all of them. Also, since Paul agreed, an enhancement that is not assigned to anybody (yet) is a discussion but as soon as it is assigned (usually to you) then it's decided and needs implementing.

PhilLast commented 6 years ago
