the-chain / airmedfoundation-terminal

Airmed Foundation's IPFS + Hyperledger Fabric web client
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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called with an Error: { AdapterError: Unexpected error from database adapter: relation "public.block" does not exist #19

Open mingjiahui opened 3 years ago

mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

Hi, I encountered the following error, could you please tell me how to solve it? Thank you in advance. I changed the appconfig.json like this: { "email": { "admin":"", "auth": { "user": "", "pass": "password" }, "service": "Gmail", "emailVerification": 1 }, "database": { "adapter": "sails-postgresql", "user": "airmed", "password": "LYbAWCErGttRsP9y", "port": "5432", "host": "localhost", "database": "airmed" }, "session": { "name": "sails.sid", "secret": "secretKey", "redis": { "url": "redis://:", "host": "", "port": 6379, "pass": "redisPassword", "db": 15 } }, "ipfs": { "host":"", "port":"5001" } }

database:{... "user": "airmed", "password": "LYbAWCErGttRsP9y" ...} is this right?

Everything else is normal.

Custom response `res.serverError()` called with an Error: { AdapterError: Unexpected error from database adapter: relation "public.block" does not exist
    at Object.fn (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at wrapper (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Deferred._handleExec (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Deferred.exec (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Deferred.switch (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Object._requestHandler [as block/gettotal] (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at /home/hnu/go/src/
    at routeTargetFnWrapper (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at next (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Route.dispatch (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at /home/hnu/go/src/
    at Function.process_params (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at next (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at next (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at module.exports (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at routeTargetFnWrapper (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at next (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Route.dispatch (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at /home/hnu/go/src/
    at param (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at param (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Function.process_params (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at next (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at next (/home/hnu/go/src/
mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

And If I follow theappconfig.json file you gave, there will be another error like:

info: Custom response `res.serverError()` called with an Error: { AdapterError: Unexpected error from database adapter: `count` failed ("badConnection").  A connection either could not be obtained or there was an error using the connection.
Additional data:

{ error: 
   { error: password authentication failed for user "admin"
    at Connection.parseE (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Connection.parseMessage (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/hnu/go/src/
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:208:10)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:601:20)
mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

hello, @Alex99y.
I encountered the above error when running./ Command. There is no problem in the project EXCEPT for the error in explore. Could you help me take a look, please!! I really need your help~~

Alex99y commented 3 years ago

Hello @mingjiahui ! I'm sorry, the project is no longer being maintained. Try this:

mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

Hello @mingjiahui ! I'm sorry, the project is no longer being maintained. Try this:

* Check the updates in #15

* REMOVE ALL `^` from package.json (This allow npm to install greater versions)

* Remove node_modules and package-lock.json

* npm install

* `./`
  If you are using Docker to set up the database, the user, password, and database name should be right. If not, you need to set up the configuration of postgresdb (Please use pgl version 11.2)

Yes, I'm using Docker, and I'm sure the parameters are in accordance with docker-compose.yaml to set up. And I'll try as you suggest, Thanks again!

mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

Hi @Alex99y, I've tried as you suggest, but it's doesn't work for me. Could you please have a look?


my docker-compose.yaml file:

version: '2'

    image: postgres:11.2
    container_name: postgresql
      - "5432:5432"
      POSTGRES_DB: "airmed"
      POSTGRES_USER: "airmed"
      - data_psql:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    image: redis:4.0
    container_name: redis
      - "6379:6379"
      - data_redis:/data
      - ./redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
    entrypoint: redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf


and my appconfig.json file: { "email": { "admin":"", "auth": { "user": "", "pass": "password" }, "service": "Gmail", "emailVerification": 1 }, "database": { "adapter": "sails-postgresql", "user": "airmed", "password": "LYbAWCErGttRsP9y", "port": "5432", "host": "localhost", "database": "airmed" }, "session": { "name": "sails.sid", "secret": "secretKey", "redis": { "url": "redis://:", "host": "", "port": 6379, "pass": "redisPassword", "db": 15 } }, "ipfs": { "host":"", "port":"5001" } }


Alex99y commented 3 years ago

@mingjiahui do you tried to run sails before

mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

@mingjiahui do you tried to run sails before

Yes, I did. and the project can run normally except for explore. 图片

Alex99y commented 3 years ago

@mingjiahui what is not working in the explorer?. It is giving you an error? Or it is not updating the front end?

mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

@Alex99y When I execute the./ command, this error occurs, and when I click explorer , the same error will appear on the front page.

Alex99y commented 3 years ago

@mingjiahui the problem might be in the sails-postgresql adapter. I'm sorry that I couldn't help with this. You need to check why the adapter is not connecting to the database, maybe need to be updated to the last version. Do you know if Sails has been connected to the database successfully?. That is because sails should create the database models after start.

mingjiahui commented 3 years ago

@Alex99y okay, but thank you all the same!~~

GUESSZERO4 commented 3 years ago

please,I want know which port that the server is running at