the-collab-lab / tcl-31-smart-shopping-list

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Welcome page styles and more accessibility #66

Closed bajancode closed 2 years ago

bajancode commented 2 years ago


This changed the welcome page (and to a lesser extent list page) styles to ensure they met accessibility criteria, and importantly, were responsive on smaller sized devices (eliminated horizontal scrolling, etc.)

Related Issue

Closes and

Acceptance Criteria

NOTE: While I was able to go through and manually implement everything from the a11y checklist, I am still finding that if I use a screen reader such as Google Screen Reader, some important parts are left out, including Buttons on the Welcome page, and for some reason all of the List page! I have not troubleshooted this yet, but if you have any ideas I would love to hear them!

Type of Changes

:bug: Bug fix
:sparkles: New feature
:hammer: Refactoring
:100: Add tests
:link: Update dependencies
:scroll: Docs
😎 : Styles



Browser image image image

Mobile (using iphone 5, the smallest screen that is generally developed for today)

adoring-shirley-b15129 netlify app_list(iPhone 5_SE) (3) adoring-shirley-b15129 netlify app_list(iPhone 5_SE) (4) adoring-shirley-b15129 netlify app_list(iPhone 5_SE) (2)


Browser image image image


localhost_3000_(iPhone 5_SE) localhost_3000_(iPhone 5_SE) (1) localhost_3000_list(iPhone 5_SE)

netlify[bot] commented 2 years ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

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