the-couch / slater

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Adding subfolder structure to snippets #115

Open efekurnaz opened 4 years ago

efekurnaz commented 4 years ago

Hey all!

I use a lot of snippets and it's getting harder to organize. I'm trying to add a folder structure to snippets folder but couldn't output the files into snippets/ root. Any ideas how can I do it?

Example: from /snippets/components/foo.liquid to /snippets/foo.liquid

I have installed

Added this code below to my slate.config.js, no errors, nothing happens. Still builds the folders as it is.

const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

plugins: [
    new CopyPlugin({
      patterns: [
          from: 'src/snippets/**/*',
          to: 'build/snippets/' }
davidwarrington commented 4 years ago

This is more a restriction of Shopify than Slater. You should be able to sort it with the code you're already using though.

I wrote this whilst playing around with the idea last year, and assuming the plugin hasn't changed too much, I'd imagine it will still work.

Your render tag needs to reference the path in some way. For example, if I had a snippet in snippets/product/card.liquid, I'd include it as {% render 'product.card' %}

As you can see, the delimiter I chose was ., but you might want to choose something else.