the-cult-of-integral / discord-raidkit

An open-source, forever free tool that allows you to raid and destroy Discord servers via Discord bots, compromise Discord accounts, and generate Discord token grabbers.
GNU General Public License v2.0
612 stars 166 forks source link

fix this #124

Closed boooo543 closed 6 months ago

boooo543 commented 6 months ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "Discord Raidkit", line 93, in File "Discord Raidkit", line 85, in main File "utils\", line 83, in run File "utils\", line 91, in _do_menu_cycle File "utils\", line 130, in __get_user_choice File "utils\", line 50, in call_func File "Discord Raidkit", line 45, in run_option File "conf\", line 36, in init File "conf\", line 60, in load_config ujson.JSONDecodeError: Expected object or value [16116] Failed to execute script 'Discord Raidkit v2.4.5' due to unhandled exception!

the-cult-of-integral commented 6 months ago

What is your config settings?

boooo543 commented 6 months ago


boooo543 commented 6 months ago

""" Discord Raidkit v2.4.5 the-cult-of-integral

Last modified: 2023-04-29 18:16 """

import os import pathlib import re import typing

import colorama as cama import ujson import utils.io_utils as iou import utils.log_utils as lu

DEF_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = pathlib.Path('config.json') DEF_PROXY_FILE_PATH = pathlib.Path('proxies.json')

class DRConfig: """A class to handle the Discord Raidkit configuration """ slots = ('clear_screen', 'config', 'path')

def __init__(self, config_file_path: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(DEF_CONFIG_FILE_PATH)):
    """Initializes the DRConfig class

        config_file_path (pathlib.Path): the path to the config file
        clear_screen (bool): whether to allow methods of this class to clear the screen
    self.path: pathlib.Path = config_file_path
    self.config: typing.Dict[str, str | typing.List[str]] = {}
    self.config = self.load_config(config_file_path)

def load_config(self, config_file_path: pathlib.Path) -> typing.Dict[str, str | typing.List[str]]:
    """Loads the config file from the given Path.

    If the file does not exist, it will be created 
    and the user will be prompted for the config values.

        config_file_path (Path): the path to the config file

        ValueError: raised if the config file is not a JSON file

        Dict[str, str | List[str]]: the config dictionary
    if not config_file_path.suffix == '.json':
        lu.scritical('The config file must be a JSON file')
        raise ValueError('The config file must be a JSON file')

    config = {}
    if config_file_path.exists():
        with open(config_file_path, 'r') as config_file:
        if self.validate_config(config):
            return config
    with open(config_file_path, 'w') as config_file:
        ujson.dump(config, config_file, indent=4)
    return config

def validate_config(self, config: typing.Dict[str, str | typing.List[str]]) -> bool:
    """Checks whether the given config dictionary is valid

        config (Dict[str, str  |  List[str]]): the config dictionary

        bool: True if the config is valid, False otherwise
    if not isinstance(config['app_id'], str) or not config['app_id'].strip():
        return False
    if not isinstance(config['token'], str) or not config['token'].strip():
        return False
    if not isinstance(config['prefix'], str) or not config['prefix'].strip():
        return False
    if not isinstance(config['statuses'], list) or not all([s.split() for s in config['statuses']]):
        return False
    return True

def prompt_config(self, empty: bool = False) -> typing.Dict[str, str | typing.List[str]]:
    """Prompts the user for configuration values

        empty (bool, optional): whether you are prompting for empty configuration. 
        Defaults to False.

        Dict[str, str | List[str]]: the config dictionary
    if empty:
        lu.sinfo('No config file found, prompting for config values')
        self['app_id'] = iou.typed_input('Enter the application ID: ', str, True)
        self['token'] = iou.typed_input('Enter the bot token: ', str, True)
        self['prefix'] = iou.typed_input('Enter the bot prefix: ', str, True)
        self['statuses'] = iou.csv_input('Enter the bot statuses: ', True)
        return self.config

    if app_id := iou.typed_input('Enter the application ID: ', str, False):
        self['app_id'] = app_id
    if token := iou.typed_input('Enter the bot token: ', str, False):
        self['token'] = token
    if prefix := iou.typed_input('Enter the bot prefix: ', str, False):
        self['prefix'] = prefix
    if all(statuses := iou.csv_input('Enter the bot statuses: ', False)):
        self['statuses'] = statuses

    with open(self.path, 'w') as config_file:
        ujson.dump(self.config, config_file, indent=4)

    return self.config

def __getitem__(self, key) -> str | typing.List[str]:
    return self.config[key]

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
    self.config[key] = value

def __delitem__(self, key):
    del self.config[key]

def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
    return key in self.config

def __len__(self) -> int:
    return len(self.config)

def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterable:
    return iter(self.config)

def __next__(self) -> typing.Any:
    return next(self.config)

def __str__(self) -> str:
    return str(self.config)

def __repr__(self) -> str:
    return repr(self.config)

class ProxyConfig: """A class to manage proxy configurations. """ slots = ('path',)

PROTOCOLS = ('https', 'http')

def __init__(self, proxy_file_path: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(DEF_PROXY_FILE_PATH)):
    """Initialize the ProxyConfig with a specified file path.
    self.path: pathlib.Path = proxy_file_path

def __init_proxy_file(self) -> None:
    """Initialize the proxy file with default values if it doesn't exist.
    if not self.path.exists():
        self.__write_to_proxy_file({'is_using_proxies': False, 'http': [], 'https': []})

def __write_to_proxy_file(self, data: dict) -> None:
    """Write the given data to the proxy file.
    with open(self.path, 'w') as proxy_file:
        ujson.dump(data, proxy_file, indent=4)

def __read_from_proxy_file(self) -> dict:
    """Read the data from the proxy file and return it as a dictionary.
    with open(self.path, 'r') as proxy_file:
        return ujson.load(proxy_file)

def run_proxy_editor(self) -> None:
    """Run the proxy editor, which allows for interactive editing of the proxy settings.
    os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
    opts = [
        iou.MenuOption('View Proxies', 'View the proxies in the proxy collection', self.view_proxies),
        iou.MenuOption('Toggle Proxies', 'Toggle whether requests should use proxies', self.toggle_proxies),
        iou.MenuOption('Add HTTP', 'Add a HTTP proxy to the proxy collection', self.add_http_proxy),
        iou.MenuOption('Add HTTPS', 'Add a HTTPS proxy to the proxy collection', self.add_https_proxy),
        iou.MenuOption('Remove HTTP', 'Remove a HTTP proxy from the proxy collection', self.remove_http_proxy),
        iou.MenuOption('Remove HTTPS', 'Remove a HTTPS proxy from the proxy collection', self.remove_https_proxy),
        iou.MenuOption('Clear HTTP', 'Clear the HTTP proxy collection', self.clear_http_proxies),
        iou.MenuOption('Clear HTTPS', 'Clear the HTTPS proxy collection', self.clear_https_proxies),
        iou.MenuOption('Clear All', 'Clear the proxy collection', self.clear_all_proxies),
        iou.MenuOption('Back', 'Leave the proxy menu', lambda: iou.EXIT)
    menu = iou.NumberedMenu(
        'Proxy Editor\n\n',

def is_using_proxies(self) -> bool:
    """Returns a boolean indicating whether the system is currently set to use proxies.
    return self.__read_from_proxy_file()['is_using_proxies']

def view_proxies(self) -> str:
    """Prints the current list of HTTP and HTTPS proxies, and then returns an empty string.
    proxies = self.__read_from_proxy_file()
    print(f'{cama.Fore.MAGENTA}HTTP Proxies:\n{cama.Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX}' + '\n'.join(proxies['http']) +
          f'\n\n{cama.Fore.MAGENTA}HTTPS Proxies:\n{cama.Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX}' + '\n'.join(proxies['https']))
    input(f'\n\n{cama.Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}Enter anything to go back: ')
    return ''

def toggle_proxies(self) -> str:
    """Toggles the use of proxies on or off and returns a message indicating the new state.
    proxies = self.__read_from_proxy_file()
    proxies['is_using_proxies'] = not proxies['is_using_proxies']
    return f'Proxies are now {"enabled" if proxies["is_using_proxies"] else "disabled"}'

def __add_proxy(self, protocol: str) -> str:
    """Add a proxy of the given protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and return a status message.
    proxy = iou.typed_input(f'Enter the {protocol.upper()} proxy to add: ', str, False)
    if not proxy:
        return ''
    if not self.validate_proxy(proxy):
        return f'Invalid {protocol.upper()} proxy format: {proxy}\nFormat should be: <ip>:<port>'
    proxies = self.__read_from_proxy_file()
    return f'Added {protocol.upper()} proxy: {proxy}'

def add_http_proxy(self) -> str:
    return self.__add_proxy('http')

def add_https_proxy(self) -> str:
    return self.__add_proxy('https')

def __remove_proxy(self, protocol: str) -> str:
    """Rremove a proxy of the given protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and return a status message.
    proxy = iou.typed_input(f'Enter the {protocol.upper()} proxy to remove: ', str, False)
    if not proxy:
        return ''
    proxies = self.__read_from_proxy_file()
    if proxy in proxies[protocol]:
        return f'Removed {protocol.upper()} proxy: {proxy}'
    return f'Proxy not found: {proxy}'

def remove_http_proxy(self) -> str:
    return self.__remove_proxy('http')

def remove_https_proxy(self) -> str:
    return self.__remove_proxy('https')

def __clear_proxies(self, protocol: str) -> str:
    """Clear all proxies of the given protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and return a status message.
    response = iou.valid_input(f'Are you sure you want to clear the {protocol.upper()} proxies? (y/n): ', ['y', 'n'], str)
    if response == 'n':
        return ''
    proxies = self.__read_from_proxy_file()
    return f'Cleared {protocol.upper()} proxies'

def clear_http_proxies(self) -> str:
    return self.__clear_proxies('http')

def clear_https_proxies(self) -> str:
    return self.__clear_proxies('https')

def clear_all_proxies(self) -> str:
    response = iou.valid_input('Are you sure you want to clear all of the proxies? (y/n): ', ['y', 'n'], str)
    if response == 'n':
        return ''
    self.__write_to_proxy_file({'is_using_proxies': False, 'http': [], 'https': []})
    return 'Cleared all proxies'

def validate_proxy(proxy: str) -> bool:
    """Validate a given proxy. Return True if it is properly formatted, False otherwise.
    proxy_pattern = re.compile(
    return bool(proxy_pattern.match(proxy))
boooo543 commented 6 months ago

now your just not gonna reply?

the-cult-of-integral commented 6 months ago

You need to give me your configuration settings. You gave the code for the unit that handles the configuration settings. I can help people who know little about how software works and with some common sense. I can't help average users who don't understand what they're doing.

GhostYT23 commented 5 months ago

I think you downloaded the source code and not the release my guy @boooo543 .