As an admin, I want to be able to have an additional step for confirmation as I "Close" or "Decline" an application.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] When the admin selects the CTA "Close," a modal should display prompting the admin to confirm.
[ ] The confirmation modal should prompt the admin to confirm before moving the application forward.
[ ] Confirmation text should read "Do you want to close the application?
[ ] Confirmation modal should also display a "Yes" and "No" CTA
[ ] When the admin selects the "No" CTA, the modal closes and the application remains in current status
[ ] When the admin selects the "Yes" CTA, the modal closes and the application closes (respective of the CTA first clicked), updating the application status
As an admin, I want to be able to have an additional step for confirmation as I "Close" or "Decline" an application.
Acceptance Criteria: