As an admin, I would like to be able to sort the list of applications on the Health Care Provider Page, so that I can better view and search for applications based on application name or date.
[x] The sort option should display as an arrow, with default behavior pointing down.
[x] The sort option should display for the following headers: Application Name, Patient Name, Submission Date
[x] The sort option should display to the right of headers.
[x] On default, the sort option should display on Submission Date, with most recent to latest applications.
[x] Clicking on the sort option arrow will change direction of arrow (i.e. pointing down to pointing up)
[x] The sort option arrow pointing down should sort applications by A-Z for the following headers: Application Name, Patient Name
[x] The sort option arrow pointing up should sort applications by Z-A for the following headers: Application Name, Patient Name
[x] The sort option arrow pointing down should sort applications by ascending numeric value (0 to 100) for the following headers: Received Date
[x] The sort option arrow pointing up should sort applications by descending numeric value (0 to 100) for the following headers: Received Date
As an admin, I would like to be able to sort the list of applications on the Health Care Provider Page, so that I can better view and search for applications based on application name or date.