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Application Detail - Resend Emails Part 1 #261

Closed hmichele closed 3 years ago

hmichele commented 3 years ago

As an admin, I'd like the ability to resend emails to family members or social workers who did not receive emails.

Acceptance Criteria: [] Create a "Resend Email" button and place it next to the "Decline Application" button. The button will follow the same font size, color and styling as the "Mark Stage as Complete" button. image.png

[] When the "Resend Email" button is clicked, it will bring up a modal similar to the below screenshot. Create the modal. The modal does not need to be as wide; resize it to fit the text. [] Create a radio button called "Recipient" where "Group1" is in the modal with the following options:

[] Create a radio button called "Email Type" where "Group2" is in the modal with the following options:


[] Create a "Submit" button at the bottom. [] Create a "Cancel" button at the bottom next to "Submit".

sowmya20189 commented 3 years ago

Please resize the modal to fit the healthcare provider text. @t-keazirian @RoysterCodeDesign .

Also, make sure the font size is similar to the one in application detail page.

Screen Shot 2021-08-30 at 7.52.25 PM.png

annamot9 commented 3 years ago

The resend button and the preview of the new modal look good and resized properly.