the-dotify-project / dotify

🐍🎶 Yet another Spotify Web API Python library
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #133

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/cd.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `relekang/python-semantic-release v7.19.2` - `actions/setup-python v2` - `abatilo/actions-poetry v2.1.4` - `actions/cache v2.1.6`
.github/workflows/ci.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-python v2` - `abatilo/actions-poetry v2.1.4` - `actions/cache v2.1.6`
.github/workflows/codecov.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-python v2` - `abatilo/actions-poetry v2.1.4` - `actions/cache v2.1.6` - `codecov/codecov-action v2`
.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `github/codeql-action v1` - `github/codeql-action v1`
.github/workflows/greetings.yml - `actions/first-interaction v1`
.github/workflows/label-commenter.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `peaceiris/actions-label-commenter v1`
.github/workflows/labels.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `crazy-max/ghaction-github-labeler v3.1.1`
.github/workflows/license.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `FantasticFiasco/action-update-license-year v2`
.github/workflows/misspell.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `sobolevn/misspell-fixer-action 0.1.0` - `peter-evans/create-pull-request v3`
.github/workflows/preview-docs.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-python v2` - `abatilo/actions-poetry v2.1.4` - `actions/cache v2.1.6` - `afc163/surge-preview v1`
.github/workflows/sync.yml - `devmasx/merge-branch 1.4.0`
pyproject.toml - `poetry-core >=1.0.0`
requirements.txt - `anyio ==3.3.1` - `attrs ==21.2.0` - `cached-property ==1.5.2` - `certifi ==2021.5.30` - `charset-normalizer ==2.0.6` - `colorama ==0.4.4` - `decorator ==4.4.2` - `h11 ==0.12.0` - `httpcore ==0.13.7` - `httpx ==0.19.0` - `idna ==3.2` - `imageio-ffmpeg ==0.4.5` - `imageio ==2.9.0` - `importlib-metadata ==1.7.0` - `inflection ==0.5.1` - `jsonschema ==4.2.1` - `markdown ==3.3.4` - `moviepy ==1.0.3` - `mutagen ==1.45.1` - `numpy ==1.21.1` - `pillow ==8.3.2` - `proglog ==0.1.9` - `pyrsistent ==0.18.0` - `python-jsonschema-objects ==0.4.0` - `pytube ==11.0.1` - `requests ==2.26.0` - `rfc3986 ==1.5.0` - `six ==1.16.0` - `sniffio ==1.2.0` - `spotipy ==2.19.0` - `tqdm ==4.62.3` - `typing-extensions ==` - `urllib3 ==1.26.6` - `youtube-search-python ==1.4.8` - `zipp ==3.5.0`
pyproject.toml - `python ^3.7` - `python-jsonschema-objects *` - `youtube-search-python *` - `requests *` - `moviepy *` - `spotipy *` - `mutagen *` - `pytube *` - `cached-property ^1.5.2` - `flake8 *` - `isort *` - `pytest *` - `pytest-cov *` - `tox ^3.23.0` - `tox-poetry-installer ^0.8.0` - `wemake-python-styleguide ^0.15.2` - `tox-gh-actions ^2.5.0` - `pre-commit ^2.12.1` - `mkdocs ^1.1.2` - `python-semantic-release ^7.15.3` - `mkdocs-material ^7.1.3` - `mkdocstrings ^0.15.0` - `mkdocs-minify-plugin ^0.4.0` - `tox-pyenv ^1.1.0` - `mkdocs-redirects ^1.0.3` - `pytest-sugar ^0.9.4` - `mdx-truly-sane-lists ^1.2` - `mike ^1.0.1` - `poethepoet ^0.10.0` - `pytest-rerunfailures ^10.1` - `mypy ^0.910` - `types-requests ^2.25.0` - `pytest-clarity ^1.0.1` - `flakehell ^0.9.0` - `coverage ^5.5`

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

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