the-infocom-files / amfv

A Mind Forever Voyaging
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Something's weird about Jill's salad (and I don't mean the avocadoes) #13

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

I had this happen to me in the 2051 simulation during Part II of the game:

Opening the refrigerator reveals a vegetable salad, a granola cluster, and an

It looks like the refrigerator contains:
   a granola cluster
   an apple

Apparently the salad is in the fridge, but it has NDESCBIT. It should only get NDESCBIT while Jill is eating it (see PUT-JILL-IN-THE-RIGHT-PLACE and I-JILL). It then gets put back in the refrigerator and its NDESCBIT is cleared by I-JILL (which, once started, seems to keep running until you leave simulation mode).

The only explanation I can think of is that I left the 2041 or 2051 simulation while Jill was eating. entered the 2041 simulation, had Jill eat the salad in either 2041 or 2051, and when I later entered the 2051 simulation the salad was still hidden. I then entered the apartment again at a point where the salad gets moved into the refrigerator.

To test my theory, I started the game and went to simulation mode as quickly as possible. I reached the apartment around 10 am. At this point, Jill is preparing the salad in the kitchen.

I left simulation mode and re-entered it. This time I didn't go to the apartment until about 1 pm. This time, the salad was in the fridge but was only visible when opening the fridge, not when looking in the fridge.

So I think that's the explanation. In which case, the solution is probably to add <FCLEAR ,SALAD ,NDESCBIT> to JIGS-UP or SIMULATION-ACTION so that the salad has the correct bits when entering the next time.

But I haven't actually tested this part of the code yet. This was something I stumbled over while testing V-SEARCH.

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

Or maybe PUT-JILL-IN-THE-RIGHT-PLACE should be responsible for the salad. It does handle some other cases of moving it around. Though I don't know... doesn't seem quite right to me.