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"CLEAN ROOM" doesn't always print the expected response? #17

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

GLOBAL-ROOM-F has this case for if you try to clean the room:

           (<VERB? WASH>
        <COND (<IN-APARTMENT?>
               <COND (,APARTMENT-RAID-FLAG
                  ;<COND (<AND <EQUAL? ,SYEAR 2051>
                      <NOT <EQUAL? ,JILL-COUNTER 13>>>
                  <TELL "You begin cleaning up the mess." CR>)
                 (<AND <EQUAL? ,JILL-COUNTER 9>
                   <IN? ,JILL ,HERE>>
                  <TELL ,MY-WEEK CR>)>)

JILL-COUNTER is documented like this:

<GLOBAL JILL-COUNTER -1> ;"used for 2041 and 2051:
              0 = sleeping (BedR)         7 = washing dishes (K)
              1 = dressing (BedR)         8 = painting (LR)
              2 = cleaning (BedR)         9 = cleaning (LR)
              3 = making a salad (K)     10 = reading (LR)
              4 = reading (LR)       11 = washing hair (Bath)
              5 = painting (LR)      12 = reading (BedR)
              6 = eating a salad (K)"

So 9 means she's cleaning the living room:

It isn't dirty.

Time passes...

Jill puts down the paintbrush and begins cleaning up the room.

Living Room
This is the large living area of your apartment, with a bedroom to the north and
a kitchen to the east. The front door of the apartment, next to the couch on the
south wall, is open. A huge window provides a panoramic view to the west.

Jill's easel occupies a beautiful, well-lit spot near the window. Her current
painting is on the easel. In one corner is the old word processor where you do
your writing.
Jill is walking around, neatening and cleaning the living room.
There is a romance novel here.

"You don't have to help," says Jill, blowing you a kiss. "It's my week."

But she also cleans the bedroom in the morning:

Time passes...

Jill finishes dressing and begins neatening up the room.

The room is almost filled by your bed, a bureau, and the baby's crib. A doorway
leads south to the living room, and the bathroom is to the east.
Jill is walking around, neatening and cleaning the bedroom.
It looks like the crib contains:
   a toy duck
   a baby

It isn't dirty.

Which seems a bit inconsistent. Shouldn't she decline help in both cases?