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Should SOLARIUM-OBJECT have "ROOM" as one of its synonyms? #71

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

I'm still a bit fuzzy on how to use GENERIC routines, but I think they have to do with parser disambiguation, e.g. GENERIC-BOOK-F makes it so that "EXAMINE BOOK" refers to the books in the bookstore until you've bought a book. Then it refers to that book.

Similarly, GENERIC-ROOM-F makes it so that "ROOM" refers to the current room. Except that in the SOLARIUM, "EXAMINE ROOM" refers to LIVING-ROOM-OBJECT because even though there is this:

           (<EQUAL? ,HERE ,SOLARIUM>

it doesn't work because "ROOM" isn't a synonym for SOLARIUM-OBJECT. Should it be?

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

Similarly, in the Kitchen (both in the main simulations and in the epilogue) "EXAMINE ROOM" will refer to the room next door.

Maybe it's not worth worrying about...