the-infocom-files / amfv

A Mind Forever Voyaging
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"TOUCH JILL" prints wrong response in 2061? #79

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

This code looks a bit odd in JILL-F:

           (<VERB? TOUCH SQUEEZE>
               <PERFORM ,V?ALARM ,JILL>
              (<OR ,MITCHELL-RAID-FLAG
               <EQUAL? ,SYEAR 2071>>
               <PERFORM ,V?KISS ,JILL>
               <TELL "\"I'm touched,\" says Jill." CR>)>)

MITCHELL-RAID-FLAG is only set in 2071, and at that point Jill is taken away. So testing it is doubly redundant here. On the other hand, MITCHELL-NEWS-FLAG is set in 2061 when she tells you about Mitchell joining the Church. Maybe the intention was to test for that? (It would be enough to test for the year, but it test that flag in multiple other case.)