the-infocom-files / amfv

A Mind Forever Voyaging
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Mismatched quotation marks when Perelman announces he's leaving for the night #80

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

If you're in the PRISM Project Control Center when Perelman leaves for the night, you'll see one of two messages:

Time passes...

Perelman puts down the printout and rubs his eyes. He stands and unsuccessfully
stifles a yawn. "I'm going home," he announces to the tiny evening staff." He
leaves the control complex.
Time passes...

Perelman puts down the printout and rubs his eyes. He stands and unsuccessfully
stifles a yawn. "I'm going home," he announces to the tiny evening staff. Try
not to call me unless it's an emergency." He leaves the control complex.

The first one has an extra quotation mark after "staff.", and the second is missing a quotation mark before "Try". It's printed by this part of I-PERELMAN:

           (<AND <G? ,TIME 1312>
             <NOT <G? ,LAST-ABE-TIME 1312>>> ;"it's 9:52pm"
                <IN? ,PERELMAN ,CONTROL-CENTER>>
               <TELL CR
"Perelman puts down the printout and rubs his eyes. He stands and
unsuccessfully stifles a yawn. \"I'm going home,\" he announces to
the tiny evening staff">
               <COND (<PROB 50>
". Try not to call me unless it's an emergency">)>
               <TELL ".\" He leaves the control complex." CR>
               <SET TOLD T>)>

So it should be trivial to fix.