the-infocom-files / amfv

A Mind Forever Voyaging
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The number on the ticket changes every time you examine it (by design?) #81

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago
You insert your card into the ticket seller. A readout flashes "NEW BALANCE:
$585" and a ticket pops out into your hands.

**Admit One**                  No.5121979
          Downtown Cinema Quad
           "Upbeat Patrol II"
Not refundable or exchangable. Management
reserves the right to refuse admission by
refunding the price of this ticket.

**Admit One**                  No.7756723
          Downtown Cinema Quad
           "Upbeat Patrol II"
Not refundable or exchangable. Management
reserves the right to refuse admission by
refunding the price of this ticket.

It feels wrong, but TICKET-F makes it look deliberate:

           (<VERB? READ EXAMINE>
        <TELL "**Admit One**">
        <PRINT-SPACES 18>
        <TELL "No." N <+ <RANDOM 899> 100> N <+ <RANDOM 8999> 1000> CR>
arcanetrivia commented 3 years ago

I guess they thought it unlikely you'd repeatedly examine the ticket? And/or maybe it was just simpler not to bother to store the number once generated.