the-infocom-files / amfv

A Mind Forever Voyaging
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The messages about the sun rising and setting aren't printed at the Research Center Rooftop #89

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

The INCREMENT-TIME routine has a case for printing messages about the sun rising and setting at the Research Center Rooftop:

        <COND (<EQUAL? ,HERE ,ROOF>
               <COND (<EQUAL? ,TIME 348>
                  <TELL CR
"The first glow of dawn appears on the horizon." CR>)
                 (<EQUAL? ,TIME 378>
                  <TELL CR
"The sun is now well above the horizon; day has begun." CR>)
                 (<EQUAL? ,TIME 1073>
                  <TELL CR
"The sky begins to darken as the sun sinks into the western sky." CR>)
                 (<EQUAL? ,TIME 1103>
                  <TELL CR
"The last glow of dusk fades as nighttime falls across the rooftop." CR>)>)>)>

These messages are never printed, and as far as I can tell there are two reasons for this:

Theoretically, the routine could also be called with X greater than 1, which would cause it to skip the specific times it's checking for. But I don't think that can ever happen at the rooftop.

Changing ROOF to ROOFTOP and moving the COND out of the <G? ,TIME 1439> case seemed to work fine when I tried it.