the-infocom-files / ballyhoo

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Missing newline if Mahler fatally drops Chelsea #43

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago
As you hoist yourself onto the ladder, the platform buckles with the addition of
your weight. Mahler is spooked, and loses his bundle which falls tragically in
front of your horrified face to the ground below.
Your score is 180 of a possible 200, in 804 turns.

Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

Usually there's a blank line before the score, but not in this particular case which is handled by CLIMB?:

           (<AND <EQUAL? ,APE-LOC 1>
             <EQUAL? ,HERE ,RING>>
        <SETG APE-LOC 2>
"As you hoist " D ,ME " onto the " D ,LADDER ", the platform buckles with the
addition of your weight. " D ,APE " is spooked, and ">
        <COND (<NOT <IN? ,NET ,MUNRAB>>
"loses his bundle which falls tragically in front of your horrified face
to the ground below.">