the-infocom-files / cutthroats

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Magnet oddities #58

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago
Crew's Quarters
You are below deck in the crew's quarters. Narrow, uncomfortable bunks line the
bulkheads, and you note the similarity between this area and a sardine can.
Sleeping here is necessary but uninviting. A ladder leads up and out to the fore

You are carrying:
  A portable electromagnet
  The portable electromagnet is touching:
    A portable drill
You have $130 in your pocket.

The magnet's stronger than you are.

Fiddling with the bunk isn't notably helpful.

Crew's Quarters
You are below deck in the crew's quarters. Narrow, uncomfortable bunks line the
bulkheads, and you note the similarity between this area and a sardine can.
Sleeping here is necessary but uninviting. A ladder leads up and out to the fore
There is a portable drill here.

For some reason putting the magnet on or against a surface, or touching the surface with the magnet, will cause anything stuck to the magnet to fall off. See MAGNET-F:

                 <PRSO? ,MAGNET>
             <SET OBJ ,PRSI>>
            <AND <VERB? RUB>
             <PRSI? ,MAGNET>
             <SET OBJ ,PRSO>>>

The CLEAR-MAGNET moves all the stuck objects to the room. I don't know why the game does this, or why it only does it for surfaces, not containers.

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

The reason the RUB action is included is probably because putting the magnet on/against something and touching something with the magnet are considered to be the same thing. Though in this particular case, the result is strange.

Also, there is a further bug here:

The magnet is touching the portable drill.

The magnet is touching the portable electromagnet.

That's because of this code, a bit further down in MAGNET-F:

              (<IN? .OBJ ,PLAYER>
               <TELL "The magnet is touching ">
               <THE? ,PRSI>
               <TELL D ,PRSI "." CR>)

Presumably it should use .OBJ, not ,PRSI here.