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Turning the stereo on or off doesn't check STEREO-ON #42

Open eriktorbjorn opened 5 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago

Since STEREO-F doesn't check STEREO-ON when you turn it on or off (LAMP-ON and LAMP-OFF), you get the same response if you turn it on or off repeatedly.

"The stereo is now on." CR>
        <SETG STEREO-ON T>)
           (<VERB? LAMP-OFF>
"George turns toward you in disgust as you turn off the " ,TUNE-ON "." CR>)
              (T <TELL "The stereo is now off." CR>)>
        <SETG STEREO-ON <>>
        <SETG TUNE-ON <>>
        <QUEUE I-TUNE-OFF 0>    ;"Glitch from Electronic Games 10/84"