the-infocom-files / moonmist

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Odd response to "EXAMINE ME" (possibly by design) #46

Open eriktorbjorn opened 2 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 2 years ago
You are wearing nothing and the earring.

That's because the game handles your clothes separately from any other items you may be wearing. Not wearing any clothes is always described as "nothing". See PLAYER-F:

             (<VERB? EXAMINE>
              <TELL "You are wearing">
              <COND (<ZERO? ,NOW-WEARING> <TELL " nothing">)
                (T <TELL THE ,NOW-WEARING>)>
              <SET L <FIRST? ,PLAYER>>
              <REPEAT ()
                  <COND (<ZERO? .L>
                    (<AND <FSET? .L ,WORNBIT>
                      <NOT <==? .L ,NOW-WEARING>>>
                     <TELL " and" THE .L>)>
                  <SET L <NEXT? .L>>>
              <TELL "." CR>