the-infocom-files / moonmist

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Wendish takes off his mustache when he goes to bed, even when it should be real #60

Open eriktorbjorn opened 2 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 2 years ago

In the green variant, Dr. Wendish is wearing a fake mustache so that he can disguise himself as the ghost. Presumably it's real in all other variants, but when he goes to bed he will still take it off and put it on the armchair.

Normally this isn't a problem since the mustache has NDESCBIT, but if you've been to Wendish's bedroom after he falls asleep, you can get this:

It's probably on an armchair.

I think this bit of X-RETIRES is responsible for making characters drop what they're carrying before going to bed:

    <COND (<T? .OBJ>
           <ROB ,GOAL-PERSON .OBJ>)
          (T <ROB ,GOAL-PERSON .RM>)>

There is a check in ROB to see if an object has TAKEBIT, but it's been commented out. Probably because ROB is used to move objects in and out of rooms when describing the room?

Either way, it makes sense for Wendish to drop his mustache when he's the ghost. But not when he isn't.

eriktorbjorn commented 2 years ago

Actually, when Wendish is the ghost, DRESS-GHOST will take care of removing the mustache. So X-RETIRES should probably never do it.