"\"Your Dad made the rule about it, " FN ". Everyone in
the " D ,AQUADOME " should carry one at all times, remember?|
They're little canisters of oxygen that you can wear around
your neck. When you turn the valve, you can suck air through the rubber
straw at the top.">
<TELL "|
The canister is in the " D ,SUB ", just like in all " LN " submarines."
;" clipped under your pilot's seat">)>
<TELL "\"" CR>)
It seems that this message is never shown because of this case earlier in the routine:
"(You'll find that information in your SEASTALKER package.)">
OXYGEN-GEAR does indeed have that TEXT property.
So I guess the OXYGEN-GEAR case should come before that. Though there may be some work on disambiguation to do as well, because I still only managed to get it to work while the emergency oxygen gear was nearby. Otherwise it thought I meant one of the other oxygen gears.
This is one of the topics in
:It seems that this message is never shown because of this case earlier in the routine:
does indeed have thatTEXT
property.So I guess the
case should come before that. Though there may be some work on disambiguation to do as well, because I still only managed to get it to work while the emergency oxygen gear was nearby. Otherwise it thought I meant one of the other oxygen gears.